Our man Rich recently did an interview with Conjurer frontman Brady Deeprose before they play the amazing looking Ritual Festival in Leeds on the 8th of April.
Here's what he had to say:
I knew Dan through his old band (Tear Of Eden – go listen to their EP on Bandcamp, it’s great) and we just got chatting about starting a death metal band. We swiftly got some stuff written and recruited Jan who we both knew as the best local drummer. Andy came along about a month before our first show and slotted in nicely. We’re starting to hate each other now.
2. Who are your main influences as a band?
This is always a tricky question as we have so many vastly differing influences both personally and collectively - we try not to take too heavily from any single source. I’m convinced that’s how bands end up sounding stale – having too small a pool of influence and trying too hard to emulate a particular sound / era / band etc. I’d say there are a few bands that inspire us, either musically or as people (or both) which is probably worth more: OHHMS, Armed For Apocalypse, Converge, Mastodon, Employed To Serve, Svalbard, Oathbreaker, Gojira, Cult Of Luna, GSY!BE…the list goes on.
3. What has the general reception to your stunning EP I been?
That’s extremely kind of you to say. To be honest, much better than we ever had hoped. We weren’t expecting much response, we kind of just aimed to appear on peoples radars and get to the point where we could start being considered for decent shows - it’s exploded far beyond that. It’s really cool that people have been so receptive and want to support us – it still blows my mind when people come up at shows and are really passionate about our set.
4. How was the experience of winning Metal To The Masses and getting to play Bloodstock?
Bloodstock was fantastic and the whole M2TM scene is a testament to how these BOTB type competitions can be more than they appear. Everyone was supportive and we had a great time, it was definitely worth doing. As for Bloodstock, that was totally surreal – we didn’t expect anyone to turn up but the tent was totally rammed. 10/10 would do again.
5. With the emergence of so many independently run indoor festivals that you've been a part of especially for us Welshies your appearance at Red Sun was a highlight. As you are playing Ritual Festival, this year what is your opinion of these festivals and do you think these are the future of festivals rather than the traditional large scale outdoor ones?
Red Sun was amazing, they were the first festival to take a chance on us and we’ve made so many friends through that whole scene. I hope we can come back to Wales soon actually…
It’s a weird one, I was very much of the opinion that ‘A festival is an outdoor, multi-stage, 3-day event etc.’ but after getting more involved in this scene and becoming more of a part of this community, I think these events are certainly more than just ‘going to a gig’. I think it makes sense though, you’re able to put on some bigger acts, even international bands, and give a platform to a decent amount of homegrown talent all for a reasonable ticket price. Damnation, Mammothfest and Uprising are all doing this to great effect.
6. How healthy would you say the underground metal scene in the UK is right now?
For the kind of stuff we do, strong, but it could be better. The midlands is shocking*, there are so few good promoters and places that will put on ‘underground’ music that will actually draw a crowd, it’s a real shame. Up north, this scene is thriving and London is decent on a good night. I’d say there’s more visibility than ever for bands and it’s easier than ever to get on shows, but it’s definitely leading to an abundance of bands doing the same kind of thing. *I’m 100% guilty of not going to as many shows as I’d like to be fair. Hypocrite.
7. After a hugely successful year for the band in 2016, do you have any other shows coming up in 2017?
We’re currently, at the time of writing, in the middle of four dates with Canada’s Mare which have been fun so far, the guys are hilarious. Coming up, we have Ritual Festival and Holy Reefer 420 Fest, both of which will be total carnage at different speeds. Much more coming up, keep your eyes open…
8. When can we expect to hear your eagerly awaited debut album?
We’re heading into the studio in April with Lewis Johns and have pretty much all of the record written. We’ve nothing further than that firmed up but we’re hoping to have it out before the end of the year.
9. A question we ask everyone what is your favourite sheep? (Attached)
Shaun The. (That's a cop out but we'll allow it - Ed)
As I've said Conjurer hit Ritual Festival on 8th April 2017
Tickets available here: http://ritualfestival.bigcartel.com/
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