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Thursday 15 November 2018

Review: WOMAN II (Review By Paul S)

Various Artists: Woman II (Blackened Death Records)

In the article I wrote on Anti-Fascist metal and NSBM a few weeks ago (https://musipediaofmetal.blogspot.com/2018/10/opinion-anti-fascist-black-metal-nsbm.html)

I mentioned a compilation called WOMAN (Worldwide Organisation of Metalheads Against Nazism), and said that WOMAN II was on the way; well it is now out. The album is available on Blackened Death Records, in fact you can buy it on Bandcamp for whatever you want to pay. All proceeds from the album will be going to the charity Doctors Without Borders. WOMAN II contains 44 tracks of Anti-Nazi metal of all kinds. Coming in at 3 hours 16 minutes, this must be one of the best value compilations ever released. But is the music worth it? Here’s what I thought.

Ghoul - Nazi Smasher (9) Cracking piece of Splatterthrash from Creepsylvania. Mmmm Nazi Pie. Neckbeard Deathcamp - Terf Crisis (8) Dense, unrelenting war metal, not for the fainthearted, or those who hate Trans people.  Gaylord - Filosofemme (8) Mid-paced, relentlessly hypnotic black metal. Libtrigger - Dethroning The Tyrants (9) Decidedly nasty black metal, fantastic blastbeats!  Redbait - Dick Punch (9) Properly ANGRY crust punk. Gloriously Incandescent. Ithaca - Otherworldly (8) Mathy hardcore, ragingly angry while at the same time melodic and tuneful. Immortal Bird - The Sycophant (8) Blackened crusty punk, must be great fun live!

Allfather - The Great Destroyer (9) Insanely heavy, but with a massive groove to it. Like watching planets dance!  Void Ritual - Bastards (9) Brilliant piece of orthodox black metal, worth buying this compilation for this song on it’s own. Twilight Fauna - Crooked Road (8) Savage black metal interspersed with ambient sections. Really nice juxtapositions. Forbihavet - Part II - Unnatural Sleep (8) Atmospheric black metal/blackgaze. Beautiful and viscous at the same time. Stansfield - Chaos Engine (8) Alternative sludge, huge grooves! Kosmogr - Vision (9) Fantastic atmospheric black metal, really great track! Hellripper - Demdike (In League With The Devil) (9) Awesome black trash, impossible to listen to without head-banging. Grimorium Verum - Mirages Of Imminent Mortality (8) Blackened death metal from Bangladesh, brutal and tuneful; great track. Impalement - Into Obscurity (8) Nasty old school death metal, beautiful filth.

BATARD - Sans Dogme (7) Lo-fi post black metal, interesting and enjoyable. Stormland - The Marcenas Legacy (8)  Cracking piece of death/grind. Great riffs! Garden Of The Ark - Where We Stand (9) Really great alternative rock, fantastic chorus! WHITEPHOSPHOROUS - AbSOLUTION (7) Horrific experimental noise, with unsettling samples, like a childhood nightmare tuned into sound. Dead Labour - Autumn Rains (7) Glitchy industrial, hypnotising. Jucifer - White Lie (8) Angry grinding destruction, batters you into submission! Ergo I Exist - Bochdalec (8) Heavy as all fuck, sludgy, punky metal. Fukpig - Dogshit Hair (9) Insanely crusty grinding nastiness, viscous in the extreme. Cockbastard - Shattered (8) Unrelenting powerviolence! DICKSUCKER - Gay Guerrilla Terrorism Unit (7) Punky, angry gay grindcore. Hayyoth - Alien (7) Droney, doomy experimentalism. Misandr - Invocation/Decolonization (7) Horrific, experimental noise. Nasty, shouty and in your face.  Alien Queen - Xenomorph (8) Mid -paced death/doom. Batters you into submission. FILTHxCOLLINS - Fashionable Fascism (8) Blasting grindcore, blink and you’ll miss it! Bodies On Everest - (I Quit My Stupid Job As A) Mitsubishi Extractor Fan (7) Lo-fi grinding extremity, bass and screaming. Reminds me of The Filthy Christians. Sludgecrow - Sludgecrow (9) Electronic, extreme sludge. Really shouldn’t work, but does, brilliantly. Genuinely one of the heaviest things I’ve ever heard.  Wintercrown - The Last Of Us (8) Great piece of atmospheric black metal, really enjoyable.

My Lonely Sea - The Lost Scraps, Pt. 2 (Frozen Inside) (9) Fantastic post black metal from Siberia. Breathtakingly beautiful.  Suicide Wraith - Lungs Of Coal And Gravel (8) Lo-fi depressive black metal, unrelenting, batters you into submission.  Heretics Fork - Transmission (7) Particularly nasty old school death metal, really evil vocals. Ludwig - Sick Of Your Dreams (7) Nasty, angry noise rock.  Uten Hap - Life Obliteration (8) Ethereal, otherworldly depressive black metal, traumatic and cathartic at the same time.  Vulgarian - Alt-Reich (8) Punky blackened sludge, crusty, angry Nazi haters.  Nunca - Corda (9) Blackened crust from Brazil, real anti-fascists from a country that really needs bands like this! Serpentine Skies - Shadows Burned In The Street (6) Dreamlike ambient.  Elk - Funeral For The False (7) Dark, brooding understated acoustic folk. Armed Jouissance - The Contradictions And The Cracks (7) Dark, blackened noise. Initially feels depressive, builds for a strangely positive ending. Rampancy - Moronization (9) Nasty, grinding black metal. Cracking tremolo picked riffs. A beautifully angry way to end the album!

This is a really great compilation. All the tracks are high quality, or if the track is of a more experimental nature, they are at least interesting. There isn’t a single throw away track, everything on WOMAN II has value and worth, and is worth having. Considering the price and the fact all proceeds go to charity, and the huge amount of great music on here, I can’t think of a reason not to buy it! It’s even got a really cool cover! Average Score 8/10

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