Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Reviews: Hierarchies, Inerrant, Proprioception, Sypha (Matt Bladen)

Hierarchies - Hierarchies (Transcending Obscurity Records)

Transcending Obscurity Records open 2025 with what may be the most dissonant death metal record you will have heard for a long time. Featuring members of Acausal Intrusion and Dwelling Below, Hierarchies debut is an album that needs repeated listens.

At first the sheer abrasiveness of their music hits you like a truck on steep hill, extreme to the maximum, the effects and the production designed to make for an uneasy time, almost hallucinogenic in their sound Hierarchies try to worm their way into your aural canal with technically impressive music. An ever shifting soundtrack of extremity and discord, never fully moving towards atonality, frantic guitar picking is often met with obtuse guitar stabs.

Dimension is furious, blastbeat extremity as Twilight Tradition is a crawling, oozing, strangling number as Subtraction takes jazz metal oddness as if Death met Primus. Hierarchies may scare off a many except the real death metal aficionados but it's technically terrifying. 7/10

Inerrant - Find What You Love And Let It Kill You (Never Wrong Records)

Erroneously attributed to Charles Bukowski, Find What You Love And Let It Kill You is the perfect way to describe the Inerrant journey. Formed as a musical collective during the pandemic, they were material based, releasing albums and EPs as fast as they could to get their music out of there.

Line up changes came, as did shows, triumphs, tragedies and police shutdowns, but it seems now that Inerrant has run it's course. Many of the members are now in other acts so Inerrant are dead choosing to go out the way they can in with an EP of brand new material, their eulogy to themselves.

5 songs of raging hardcore to close out their existence, dual shouted vocals and snarling riffs on Bullshita give you the aggressive vitality the band have always had while, Eraserhead has some snotty punk. Politically charged and still fired up, Inerrant close out their account with the crushing bang of This Ends With You.

Save your cries, save your tears, the real pioneers burn out rather than fade away. 8/10

Proprioception - My Salvation Lies In The Church Of You (Self Released)

I hope you've all been very obedient and waited for this EP as you were told because if you haven't seen South Wales Kink-Positive hardcore act Proprioception before then I'm sure;

1. There will be very hard flogging in your future

2. You're missing out on one of the most intense acts around.

Having been a staple of the scene last year, championed by that hero of all things underground and inclusive FHED, their debut EP My Salvation Lies In The Church Of You, gives you a brief snippet of what you can expect from the band live. Recorded as raw as can be, the drumming is tinny and forceful, locked into punk grooving with the bass on Rubberist. The guitars are actually quite complex when they're not squealing or shifting into breathless breakdowns.

Vocally there's a commanding presence that will have you on your knees with the brute force they produce. Growls, screams and outright rage, though the spoken word moments are some of the most powerful, threatening whispers from your new Master. The Welsh hardcore scene has always been vibrant and aggressive but Proprioception add to it with a weirdo ethos, aural domination and plenty of PVC. 8/10

Sypha - Borderland EP (Self Released)

Borderland is the new EP from Brighton metal act Sypha, an act who embrace modernity with twitching electronics, emotive vocals and anthemic songwriting they also have those quiet/loud dynamics of bands such as Deftones and BMTH. Kicking off with the grooving Dirty Floor, the harsh/cleans working well as Limbo gathers speed in the verses before breaking down towards the choruses. It's a good spread of modern metal closing with the radio friendly The Afterparty and energetic close to their three tracks showcase. 6/10

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