Thursday, 6 February 2025

A View From The Back Of The Room: New Years Day/Conquer Divide (SJ)

New Years Day, Conquer Divide, Fearless Vampire Killers - Thekla, Bristol 27.01.25

Thekla will always hold a special place in my heart as I have many fond memories of this floating boat of a venue. One of which was back in 2018 when I saw Bullets And Octane with Sumo Cyco. So, it's meaningful when I continue to build more memories in venues like this with bands I'm discovering writing for MoM.

First up tonight in Bristol were Fearless Vampire Killers (5), who are clearly passionate about what they do which helped build a great rapport with the crowd from the outset. Between the songs they were cracking jokes about being sponsored by gin lime tonic (they're not sponsored!). 

Although their alt rock music isn't for me personally, there was clearly a calling for it as the crowd responded well and were lively to some parts, especially during Maeby and Say What You Want From Me.  

Their matching outfits and whole ethos made them stand out even more. I couldn't quite tell what exactly they were wearing but it looked like school outfits with bullet proof vests on, which created a synergy between the members.

Next though it was Conquer Divide (9).


This was the highlight of the night for me. There was a stark contrast when they came on stage for Atonement. It was beautiful, phenomenal even. Spencer Maybe's harsh vocals compliment and elevate the songs alongside Kiarely Castillo strong clean vocals, especially during Chemicals and Paralyzed.

The crowd murmured about loving predominantly female membered bands whilst they were jumping and forming mosh pits. They did calm down for NewHeaven but their set ended on a high with Welcome2Paradise. After the set the band members came to the merch stall after their set and they were so friendly. Here's hoping for a headliner tour for Conquer Divide soon as I have had their songs on repeat since the gig and I want to see them again.

New Years Day (7) certainly know how to build up the crowd anticipation. The red and blue lights dimmed and there was chorus like chanting as smoke blew onto the stage. Then Ash Costello came on stage with her iconic red and black hair plainly visible to all. The floor was rumbling and crowd erupted in energetic cheers as the bass rumbled through Thekla's steel walls.

Ash's great vocals left the crowd in awe as there were visible looks of amazement during the chorus of Vampyres where she sang "You won't suck the life outta me". The crowd were joining in singing along to the lyrics, but Ash asked the crowd to "Wake the f*** up!" as Leeds were louder than Bristol. This was probably because although the crowd was singing along to some of the songs, there wasn't as much energy displayed in terms of dancing and mosh pits as Conquer Divide.

There was a much more spicy vibe compared to the other bands, which was emphasised when Ash licked the microphone suggestively, owning her sexuality which is all part of their appeal as a band.

New Years Day had the most energy and sang their songs which are all about being strong, fearless and defiant, which resonated with the audience. Jeremy Valentine crushed their guitar solo; the riffs were electrifying. Unfortunately for them the crowd started to thin out a bit during So Sick but they carried on regardless, playing to their hardcore fans.

Overall, Conquer Divide have solidified a place in my heart and despite their worries of not having a big enough of a following, that wasn't what the crowd conveyed on the night. New Years Day do what they do well and we're rewarded with a responsive crowd.

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