Bloodstock Metal To The Masses South Wales 2025

1. Please introduce yourself for anyone who may not know you. Tell us a little bit more about you as a band.
From the mists of the Otherworld is borne Adfeilion, an atmospheric and experimental folk metal band from Swansea that weaves sonic landscapes of enchanted forests, ruined castles and heroic kings. Their first album, ‘Hela’, was released in 2023 and explores the fusion of Paganism and Christianity in Dark Age Wales, and the band have since honed their live show by playing numerous gigs across their hometown of Swansea, headlining local festivals such as ‘Dead of Night’ at Hangar 18 and ‘The Gower Wassail’ at the Gower Heritage Centre. Adfeilion finished their successful 2024 by winning the annual South Welsh Battle of the Bands competition held at the Bunkhouse in Swansea.
2. What made you want to participate in the Metal To The Masses South Wales 2025 campaign? Have you had previous experience? Or is this your first time?
This is our first time participating in Metal To The Masses. We have followed this epic competition for a while and finally felt the time was right to enter M2M after proving ourselves in the Swansea battle of the bands 2024.
3. M2TM is all about supporting your local scene. How important is the local scene to you as a band?
The local scene is fundamental, the cauldron and crucible for bands to emerge and carve their legacy into the culture of their communities. We love being a part of the beautiful, crazy narrative that is the Swansea music scene, and feel deeply honoured to have the opportunity to contribute our art to the city that raised us.
4. What are your expectations from being a part of M2TM?
Playing awesome shows to an audience that demands real passion and creativity in music and performance.
5. What would playing a Sold Out Bloodstock Festival mean to you?
It would mean that the Old Ways have returned, Bardic storytelling and Folk metal. Legends of the past would permeate the culture once more, creating a more epic and wonderous world in which to live.
6. We encourage all the bands in M2TM to try and check out the other bands, who are you most looking forward to? Who should your fans also try to catch?
Made Of. These guys were in the Swansea Battle of the Bands 2024 Final with us and we were very impressed with their energy, musicianship, killer riffs, technical song writing, we love them!
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