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Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Bloodstock Metal To The Masses South Wales 2025: Interview With Risperidrone (Cardiff Heat #3)

Bloodstock Metal To The Masses South Wales 2025

1. Please introduce yourself for anyone who may not know you. Tell us a little bit more about you as a band.

We are Risperidrone, a four-piece from Cardiff who play groovy, doomy metal with heaps of chunky riffs, nasty vocals and self-deprecating stage banter, with a bit of room every now and then for some more laid back moments in between the fuzz. If we can get a few stank faces going in the audience then we know we’ve done our job.

We’ve been playing together for almost 2 years now in our current line up of Giacomo Fiderio on vocals, Wigg Grant on guitar, Tom Kirkby on the drums and Rob Edwards on bass.

2. What made you want to participate in the Metal To The Masses South Wales 2025 campaign? Have you had previous experience? Or is this your first time?

We love M2TM! We’ve been involved as a band in both 2022 and 2024, making it to the quarter finals last year, and each show we’ve participated in, it’s always been a great time. We’ve had experience with M2TM in previous bands also, and Giac and Rob also made it all the way to Bloodstock last year in their other band Root Zero.

It’s been so much fun both times and it really feels like there’s a big energy at each of the shows. We’d love to go the distance this year but there’s a lot of joy in just participating, there’s always a great crowd, and it’s a time where every band involved brings their A-Game and puts on a hell of a show so being able to discover and meet with other bands is also a big driver for wanting to be involved.

3. M2TM is all about supporting your local scene. How important is the local scene to you as a band?

The local scene is really important to us! We absolutely wouldn’t be where we are as a band without the support of the bands and venues in the scene. Fuel and The Bunkhouse in particular are venues we’re very familiar with as a band and have had a lot of great times playing at both.

As well as that we’ve made some great friends with some of the bands we’ve played with here, and always have a great laugh whenever we’re playing a local show.

4. What are your expectations from being a part of M2TM? (Try to talk about more than playing Bloodstock, making connections, anything else etc)

We’d love to try and get further through the competition this year, the Day of Wreckoning last year was a hell of an event, the organisers really put on something special, so being able to take part in that as a band would be amazing! And of course we’ll be playing with plenty of bands that we’ve not had the pleasure of meeting yet, so it’d be awesome to make some new band friends!

5. What would playing a Sold Out Bloodstock Festival mean to you?

Well it means some of us would need extra room in our tents for our gear! Bloodstock has become the go-to festival for a few of us and has a special place in our hearts. Being able to play this year and get on the poster with some of our favourite bands like Mastodon, Static-X and Machine Head would be unreal

6. We encourage all the bands in M2TM to try and check out the other bands, who are you most looking forward to? Who should your fans also try to catch?

We’ll definitely all be down to the Cardiff Heat 2! Karmen Field and Painted by Monsters are both amazing bands who put on incredible shows, we’ve had the pleasure of playing several gigs with and we’ll be rooting for both!

On the Swansea side, Kill By Mouth are an absolute powerhouse and put on an amazing set in last year's final so it would be great to see them again!

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