1. Please introduce yourself for anyone who may not know you. Tell us a little bit more about you as a band.
Walpurgis is a four piece speed rock band from aberystwyth, wales. with a duel guitar attack, bonebreaking bass, ten tonne drums and frantic screams, we believe we bring back that classic 70s and 80s nwobhm and speed metal sound
2. What made you want to participate in the Metal To The Masses South Wales 2025 campaign? Have you had previous experience? Or is this your first time?
We saw it was a good opportunity for bands, and we believe it'd be a good chance for us to network and get to meet some bands farther south than ourselves. This will be our first time playing metal to the masses
2. What made you want to participate in the Metal To The Masses South Wales 2025 campaign? Have you had previous experience? Or is this your first time?
We saw it was a good opportunity for bands, and we believe it'd be a good chance for us to network and get to meet some bands farther south than ourselves. This will be our first time playing metal to the masses
3. M2TM is all about supporting your local scene. How important is the local scene to you as a band?
Entirely, wholly, unbelievably important. If it was for local scenes all around the country we wouldn't be able to do any of this
4. What are your expectations from being a part of M2TM? (Try to talk about more than playing Bloodstock, making connections, anything else etc)
Ideally, we'd like to have a larger crowd view us, and a bigger stage for a bigger show. We're in entirely for fun, But hopefully we can win a few people over
5. What would playing a Sold Out Bloodstock Festival mean to you?
A huge opportunity that would likely open a lot of doors. We have attended bloodstock previously and it would be amazing to share the stage with some of these bands
6. We encourage all the bands in M2TM to try and check out the other bands, who are you most looking forward to? Who should your fans also try to catch?
We're looking forward to seeing Risperedrone
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